Subflow Management

You need to manage small workflow segments which then can be used together to compose bigger workflows. This makes management of configuration easy.

In any Development environment, there may be a need for various teams to develop workflow components independently and then merge them together.

For example, different teams can focus on configurations for different catalogs and then put them together.

You can call one workflow from another using a workflow activity called InitiateSubFlow. You can pass the required parameters and get the required output without any change to the local state of the calling workflow, except for the state transferred back using output parameters.

Managing Subflows

For more information on the syntax of the InitiateSubFlow activity, refer to InitiateSubFlow Activity.

Sub workflows can be nested, that is, a subflow can invoke another workflow as a subflow.


Here is an example of where subflows could be used. Let us say there are two repositories - LegalEntity and Account.

When a record is added to the LegalEntity repository, the business process is defined in workflow L1. When a record is added to the Account repository, the business process is defined in workflow A1.

When a record is added to both the LegalEntity and Account catalogs, another workflow LA1 must be executed. This workflow LA1 performs some tasks, then calls workflow L1, followed by workflow A1. After return from A1, records will be confirmed in workflow LA1.

This can be implemented using subflows. LA1 can call L1 and A1 as subflows and receive status from each of the workflows to decide if process should continue.