The following XMLC IDs are available and can be used. Prefix all IDs with the text “PMAIN”.

Reserved XMLC IDs
XMLC ID Description
PMAINMODDATE Modification date
PMAINMODVERSION Modification version
PMAINMODMEMBER Mod member name
  • Links are not supported.
  • Same support is available for associated and related records by using prefix of PASSOC and PREL.

Other Data

  • SubmitButtonHiddenOnErrors: Set to "Y" if you want to hide the work item submit button when errors are present.

    For example:

    <input id=" SubmitButtonHiddenOnErrors " type="hidden" name=" SubmitButtonHiddenOnErrors " value="Y">
  • ExpansionOption: Set to EXPANDALL to specify the default behavior when record view/edit is clicked from work item; COLLAPSEALL otherwise.
    <input id="ExpansionOption" type="hidden" name="ExpansionOption" value="COLLAPSEALL">
  • Buyer Catalog Link: Add an element to include Buyer Catalog link on a CatalogApproval work item.

    For example:

    <input type="hidden" name="BCurl" value="" id="BCLink">
    <input type="hidden" name="browseurl" value="" id="HeaderLink">
  • Previous Alert: Alerts from previous step cab are displayed on work item. An element with id "showPreviousAlerts" gives an option to indicate if alerts from previous step should be shown or not. If a previous approver has rejected a work item, alerts will be displayed in current approver's work item if "showPreviousAlert" is set to Y.

    For example:

    <input id="ApproverForm" type="hidden" name="ApproverForm" value="Y">
    <input id="showPreviousAlert" type="hidden" name="showPreviousAlert" value="Y">