
You can use several tools and techniques to debug TIBCO MDM.

Use the following tools and techniques to debug TIBCO MDM:

  • Workflow Trace File  The workflow trace file records the workflow path, including all input and output parameters for the activity and evaluation of transitions. You can download this file through Event Log.
  • Rulebase Trace File  The rulebase trace files record the data used for each condition evaluation and its results. The trace files are generated in the Temp directory and the file name patterns are rb*.
  • Cache and Security Debugging  Cache debugging logs all the calls made to the cache subsystem while security debugging logs all the calls to determine entitlements. Security debugging applies only when the application is running in the debug mode. Cache debugging is made when the property com.tibco.cim.cache.debug is set to true in the ConfigValues.xml file.
  • Support Engineer Role  This role provides tools for downloading log files and view data in TIBCO MDM tables.
  • Configurator   You can change almost all the configuration through the Configurator. Some property changes require the JMX Console to reconfigure the server. For example, use the JMX console to restart the JMS channel if the pool size of a workflow queue is changed after a configuration is deployed.
  • Logging Level  You can change the logging level without a restart. You can change most properties without restarting the server. Properties can be hot-deployed, including JMS pool sizes, scheduled job configurations, database name, and password (as configured in configValues). Use JMX for greater control over changes to properties.
  • Timing Log  The timing log records the components that are running slow. You can use the timing log provided to load this data to the database. TIBCO has developed Spotfire projects to analyze this data.
  • Data Model  The data model for TIBCO MDM data tables is available from TIBCO Support.
  • Generate Report  Use the Generate Report action in the Event Log screen to generate a report for TIBCO Support.
  • Documentation  All documentation is available on and is updated periodically.
  • Purge  Use the purge operation to delete data and restore the state so that new tests can be run again.
  • Rollback  Use Rollback to revert the partial or complete changes to master data so that new tests can be run again. For example, you can use Rollback along with Resubmit to retest the Add Record or Modify Record action.