Configuring Password Policy Rulebase

You can apply certain policies for valid passwords. A sample rulebase file (standard/rulebase/rbpasswdval.xml) is available. To use this file, you need to copy it to the enterprise-specific directory.


  1. Define a rulebase file that contains the validation rules for the user passwords.
  2. Upload this file to the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/enterprisename/rulebase/ directory.
  3. Specify the name of the file in Configurator (ConfiguratorRule Base > Password Validation Rules File). It is recommended that the default file name (rbpasswdval.xml) be used whenever possible.
    The application uses this file to ensure that the password specified is per the rules.
    • If the file name is not specified in Configurator, no validation is done.
    • If a file name is specified, and the file is not found, a warning message is issued and the file is ignored.
    • The rulebase is used to generate a Java script which is added to the password fields. It does not have access to any other context variables, such as, the SESSION context variables. For more details on the context variables that can be used in the rulebase, refer to the TIBCO MDM Studio Rulebase Designer User’s Guide.