Use Reserved XMLC IDs

Apart from the customizations listed in the "Add Repeating Elements in the Form" section, you can also use the predefined XMLC IDs to display information or links.

The following XMLC IDs are available and can be used during customization of the page. The values will get populated automatically when you use these IDs. Restrict changes to following ids only.

For Primary Products

Prefix all IDs with the text "MAIN". Attributes can be added using the format "MAIN<ATTRIBUTENAME>".

  • "MAINMODDATE": Mod Date
  • "MAINMODVERSION": Mod Version
  • "MAINMODMEMBER": Mod Member Name
  • "MAINCREATIONDATE": Creation Date
  • "MAINREJECTIONEDITLINK": Create a Rejection Edit Link
  • "MAINREJECTIONVIEWLINK": Create a Rejection View Link
  • "MAINPRODUCTEDITLINK": Create a Product Edit Link
  • "MAINPRODUCTVIEWLINK": Create a Product View Link
  • "MAINREJECTIONEDITLINK": Create a Rejection Edit Link
  • "MAINREJECTIONEDITLINK": Create a Rejection Edit Link
  • "MAINCOMPARELINK": Create a Product Compare Link

For Associated Products

Prefix all IDs with the text "ASSOC". Attributes can be added using the format "ASSOC<ATTRIBUTENAME>".

  • "ASSOCMODDATE": Mod Date.
  • "ASSOCMODVERSION": Mod Version.
  • "ASSOCMODMEMBER": Mod Member Name.
  • "ASSOCCREATIONDATE": Creation Date.
  • "ASSOCRELATIONSHIPTYPE": Relationship type.
  • "ASSOCREJECTIONEDITLINK": Create a Rejection Edit Link.
  • "ASSOCREJECTIONVIEWLINK": Create a Rejection View Link.
  • "ASSOCPRODUCTEDITLINK": Create a Record Edit Link.
  • "ASSOCPRODUCTVIEWLINK": Create a Record View Link.
  • "ASSOCPRODUCTCOMPARELINK": Create a Compare Product Link.

For Products Related to Associated Products

Prefix all IDs with the text "REL". Attributes can be added using the format "REL<ATTRIBUTENAME>".

Use Reserved XMLC IDs

Record data from previous Confirmed version can be displayed on a work item by specifying the element with ID as "showPreviousProduct". The value for this element must be set to ‘Y’.

For example:

<input id="showPreviousProduct" type="hidden" name="showPreviousProduct" value="Y">