Rollback Examples for the Command Line

Use the rollback action examples from the command line to roll back an event ID, multiple event IDs, events starting from a specified date, events starting from a specified event, an entire event, or an event up to a step.

You must have the Command Line User role to perform any of these command-line actions.

In all of the following examples, the password or the encrypted password of the member must be used; add either the -pwd or -epwd parameter.
Roll Back Event ID
Action Specify in Command Line
To roll back event ID = 789890 by member = admin UndoEventHelper -o event -e 789890 -an TEST1 -mn admin
Roll Back Multiple Event IDs
Action Specify in Command Line
To roll back event IDs = 789890 and 789891 by member = admin UndoEventHelper -o event -e 789890,798891 -an TEST1 -mn admin
Roll Back All Events Starting from a Date
Action Specify in Command Line
To roll back all events starting from date = 20100101 by member = admin UndoEventHelper -o fromdate -d 20100101 -an TEST1 -mn admin
Roll Back All Events Starting from an Event
Action Specify in Command Line
To roll back all events starting from event = 98010 by member = admin UndoEventHelper -o fromevent -e 98010 -an TEST1 -mn admin
Roll Back an Event
Action Specify in Command Line
To roll back an event = 98010 by member = admin UndoEventHelper -o event -e 98010 -an TEST1 -mn admin -r true
Roll Back an Event Up to a Step
Action Specify in Command Line
To roll back an event = 98010 upto step 100301 by member = admin UndoEventHelper -o tillstep -e 98010 -p 100301 -an TEST1 -mn admin

These actions can be used with the utility too. For example: -o event -e 789890 -an TEST1 -mn admin -r true