Pre-defined or System Attributes

These are MDM system attributes and defined in space definition with prefix z_ or Z_.

The following system attributes are defined in all the repository spaces:
Space Field (Predefined Attributes) Description
z_id Key of the record. It is the PRODUCTKEY value with GOLDENCOPY___ prefix. For example, GOLDENCOPY___13533 or GOLDENCOPY___11103.
z_cn Class name, used by TIBCO MDM internally.
z_ty Object type, used by TIBCO MDM internally.
z_obj Object blob type value, used by TIBCO MDM internally.
Z_TYPE Catalog type, used by TIBCO MDM internally.
Z_CATALOGID Catalog ID of the record from which record catalog belong to
Z_MODVERSION Mod version of the record
Z_MODDATE Modified date of the record
Z_PARENTVERSION Parent version of the record
Z_OWNERID An ID of the record owner
Z_PROCESSLOGID Log ID of the record process
Z_LASTCONFIRMEDVERSION Last confirmed version of the record
Z_PRODUCTKEYID Product key ID of the record