Database Sizing Requirements

The database sizing requirements include the minimal sizing requirements for initdbname.ora (initecm50.ora); for small, medium, and large databases.

Database Sizing Requirements
Database Parameter Setting Low-end Mid-range High-end
Db block size 8192 8192 8192
Db_file_multiblock_read_count 8 16 32
Shared pool size 75 MB 150 MB 200 MB *
Processes (# of application servers)* (application server max db connection pool size) + 200    
Parallel max servers 2 4 5*
Log_buffers 25% of the system memory    
Timed_statistics True True True
Max_dump_file_size 5 MB 10 MB 20 MB
Rollback_segments 8 seg 16 seg 32 seg*
Open cursors 300 450 3000
Character set UTF-8    
Buffer Pool Size 150 MB 300 MB 500 MB - 2 GB*
db_writer_processes 75% of the cpu_count parameter value    
Sessions 1.1* processes + 200    
optimizer_mode ALL_ROWS    
shared_servers # of dispatchers* 2    
Transactions # sessions    

* These values depend on various factors including concurrent users, message and workflow volumes, number of records, and so on. Your DBA should adjust these values based on the actual load and required performance characteristics.