Export Records Output

A zipped output file is generated in the Event Log screen. You can download the generated files either from the Event Log screen or using the Get Content web service. For more information on this web service, refer to TIBCO MDM Web Services Guide.

The zipped output contains the following text files:

  • Output file containing repository data. For example, CATALOG_Customer_0A616CA2_8AE1EC2227DB1D710127DFC990423527Member1.txt file, wherein Customer refers to the repository name.
  • Relationship file containing record relationship information. For example, Relationship_0A616CA2_8AE1EC2227DB1D710127DFC990423529Member1.txt file.
  • Relationship attribute file for each relationship. For example, RelationshipAttribute_AddressToCustomer_0A616C0B_8AE1EC8B2C7C2BEA012C822D0FFA7816Member1.txt file, wherein AddressToCustomer refers to the relationship name.