RefreshSubset Activity

The RefreshSubset activity refreshes the subset definition. The activity only applies to subsets of type “Subset by list”.

A subset based on a list is defined on a data source. The RefreshSubset activity reads the data from data sources and changes the subset definition to use this new data. Subset by list is a statically evaluated subset, that is, after the subset is defined, the records included in the subset do not change. Subset by list includes records by matching the record attributes with the data loaded through the data source. However, this data is copied into the subset and any change to data source does not change the subset. RefreshSubset activity provides a way to update such definition. Any subsequent EvaluateSubset activity uses the updated subset definition. The activity is atomic and can be included in part of in-memory workflows. The activity does not spawn additional threads. The activity identifies the subset that is to be refreshed using the following parameters: