
This REST services contain all the information regarding the Record operations in TIBCO MDM.

Set the entity command qualifier to any of the following command type:
  • Validate/Process: causes the records to be validated before saving. This also initiates New Record Introduction Edit (NRIE) workflows. This is the default.
  • Validate/NoProcess: validates records and saves them without starting the NRIE workflows.
  • NoValidate/Process: does not validate records, but saves them, and also starts NRIE workflows.
  • NoValidate/NoProcess: does not validate records or start the workflow, but saves them.

Example on how to use the Validate and Process Record Add request in JSON.

 	"process" : true,
 	"validate": true,
  "record": {
     "repositoryName": "ALLRULEA",
     "productIdExt": "15853",
     "productId": "15853",
     "attributes": [
           "name": "ATA_STRING1",
           "value": "demo"
           "name": "ATA_INTEGER1",
           "value": "1"