FireWorkflow Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for FireWorkflow is ASYNCHR.

The parameters of FireWorkflow are as follows:

FireWorkflow Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multiplicity
Direction: In


Establishes link to a parent event. You can link the new event to the caller event to track the status of an event through Event Log (Associated Events). boolean True (Default) False 0..1


The name of the workflow to execute. If specified, the workflow is retrieved from the specified location. The location must be specified relative to MQ_COMMON_DIR. string Any workflow name relative to MQ_COMMON_DIR. 1
PartitioningKey Specify to ensure that the new data created is correctly partitioned. For more information, refer to the Application Partitioning chapter of TIBCO MDM System Administration. string Any attribute of INTEGER data type. 0..n


See Common Parameters.

If the priority is not specified, event priority is inherited by the new message.



See Common Parameters.      
Direction: Out
InitiatedEventID An ID of the event fired. long