Copying Records

You can copy a record to the repository using an existing record.


  1. Select the Browse and Search menu.
  2. In the Repository Name drop-down list, select the repository in which you want to add records.
  3. Click the View All button and select the record to be copied.
  4. Click . The Copy Record screen is displayed.
  5. Enter the new details in the fields.

    A record may have relationships with a number of other records within or across repositories. You can choose to copy a record with or without keeping its relationships intact.

    Note: When copying records in a relationship, all records in a hierarchy are copied only if they are in a homogenous relationship. For more information on homogenous relationships, refer to Homogenous Relationships. For more information on records in a relationship, refer to Records in Relationships.
  6. Click Save and Process to save the record and process for the workflow.