ImportClassificationScheme Action Parameters

Level1 Level1 Description Level2 Level2 Description Level3 Level3 Description
Food Food products Produce Farm products Fresh Fresh Produce
Food Food products Produce Farm products Frozen Frozen products
Food Food products Processed Processed food Canned Canned products
Food Food products Processed Processed food Packaged Packaged products

The attributes (column headers in the input file) can be any name as long as the file format matches with the format described above. Note that higher level codes repeat for different values of low level codes.

Parameter Description Valid Values Mandatory Default
DataSource Name of the data source to upload. Any existing data source name. Y -
MasterCatalog The repository name. Required if the classification scheme is not a pre-defined classification scheme. Any existing repository name. N -
ClassificationScheme Name of the classification scheme. Any existing pre-defined classification scheme or a custom scheme for the repository. Y -
Incremental Indicates if the import should be incremental. Currently only ‘Yes’ is supported. Yes, No N Yes
<DataSet type="single" >
                        <Credential domain="GLN">
                        <URIInfo scheme="local">