Contact Information

Company contact information is most commonly used to send notification messages. Contact information includes phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and so on. You can define an unlimited number of addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses for your company.

  • Main Phone
  • General Info Email: This is used as source of communication with the company.
  • Main FTP: This section is used to specify the FTP details. FTP addresses are used to get data files for uploading to data sources and the repository. This section shows all the FTP URLs for your company currently in the system.
    Note: Adding an FTP address here enables using FTP for publishing catalogs. In create, synchronize catalog screen, there is an option to deliver catalog to backend system using this FTP address.

    This screen allows you to:

    • view all FTP URLs that have been added for the company.
    • add a new FTP URL by clicking Create. This opens the Modify FTP Address screen.
    • delete or edit the an existing FTP URL by clicking Delete or Modify. Clicking Modify opens the Modify FTP Address screen.
    • show an existing URL on the Contact Information. Click the Select link in the Action column for the required URL.