Example for Event Details in Activity

<Parameter direction="in" type="string" eval="constant" name="eventState">GENERATEFILE</Parameter>
<Parameter direction="in" type="string" eval="constant" name="eventStatus">SUCCESS</Parameter>
<Parameter direction="in" type="string" eval="constant" name="eventDescriptor">CatEditAdd</Parameter>
<Parameter direction="in" type="string" eval="constant" name="eventType">USER</Parameter>

The event state is updated before the activity is executed. Event state must be one of the pre-defined states. As this list keeps growing, check the existing states by running the following query:

Select * from domainentry where domaintype = ‘EVENTSTATE’ order by value

It is possible to add more entries to this list. To do this, execute the following SQL:

insert into domainentry (domaintype, value, description) values 
('EVENTSTATE', '_TEST', 'Description of the state')

Ensure that you always add ‘_’ to your value to avoid any conflict with predefined values (more will be added in future).

Once the state is added to this table, you can use the workflow to update the state during any activity.