Installation Overview

Download TIBCO MDM from To login, you need user name and password. If you have not received a user name and password, contact TIBCO Technical Support. After you download TIBCO MDM, install it using the installer provided.

Default Installation Directory

  • Microsoft Windows
The default installation location is $TIBCO_HOME where all TIBCO products are installed. Typically, $TIBCO_HOME is at c:\tibco.
  • UNIX
The default installation directory depends on who performs the installation:
    • For root users, the default installation directory is /opt/tibco.
    • For non-root users, the default installation directory is /myhome/tibco, where myhome is the home directory of the user.

Installer Disk Space Requirements in Temporary Area

  • Microsoft Windows Platforms 
The entire package is extracted into a temp folder (minimum requirements 40 GB and 4 MB RAM), typically SystemDrive:\Temp or SystemDrive:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Local Settings\Temp.
  • UNIX Platforms
The installer launcher first extracts a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in a temporary directory (minimum requirements 40 GB and 4 MB RAM) and uses this JVM to launch itself. The size of the extracted JVM differs from platform to platform. You can select the temporary area using the following option when starting the installer: -is:tempdir /temp_area