Rules for Processing DeleteRecord Activity

This activity processes only one of the input parameters to identify the records. If more than one input record identification information is provided, the first input parameter which is not null is processed and other inputs are ignored.

The order of precedence for record identification is as follows:

  1. Product IDs
  2. Record Keys
  3. RecordCollection
  4. Indocument
  • When productId and RecordKey mode is specified, any related records are also deleted. Related records are searched based on relationships specified. If no relationships names are specified, no related records are deleted. To delete all related records, specify RelationshipName as ALL.
  • When RecordCollection is used to select records, the relationships defined when record collection was created are used to identify related records. Relationship names, if specified, are ignored.
  • When inDocument is used to select records, only records included in indocument are deleted. No other records are processed. Relationship names, if specified, are ignored.
  • If RecordCollection is specified, IncludeDraftRecords is ignored. Record versions are automatically identified using RecordCollection. For all other inputs, IncludeDraftRecords influences the version to be deleted. When this parameter is set to true, if there is any valid draft version associated with the event, it is deleted. If this flag is set to false, record versions are selected based on the VersionOption parameter. The default is true.
  • VersionOption influences the record versions selected for deletion. If VersionOption is set to LATEST, the last confirmed or unconfirmed version is selected. Note that if includeDraftRecords is set to true, instead of last confirmed and unconfirmed version, any valid draft may be selected. If versionOption is set CONFIRMED, only the last confirmed and undeleted version is selected. Again, if includeDraftRecords is set to true, instead of last confirmed version, any valid draft may be selected. The default value is CONFIRMED.
  • If the VersionOption flag is not specified, the default value of includeUnconfirmed record is true. If includeUnconfirmed record is false, only confirmed records are used.