Basic Configuration Outline

If you select Basic, the following categories are displayed:

  • Database: after you select the Database option, the common properties related to database are displayed in the Table List pane on the right side. The common properties are Database Name, Database User Name, and Database Password.
    Note: The database password is stored in an encrypted format. A symmetrical cipher is used to encrypt the password. TIBCO MDM decrypts the password and sends it to the database server in plain text as required.
    • Expand the Database option, a list of databases is displayed. The supported databases are PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. Select the specific database that you use with TIBCO MDM. Each database-specific property is displayed in the Table List pane on the right side.
  • Email: you can define Email related settings, such as whether email is enabled, the email server username, password, the error email receiver, the error email sender, the Inbox URL, the SMTP Host, the standard email recipient, the standard email server, and the work item email sender.
  • Security Provider: After you expand the Security Provider option, a list of providers is displayed. The supported providers are IBM and SUN. You can specify the Encryption Provider and the Password Hash Algorithm properties. Additional properties are available in the Advanced view.
  • Software Edition: After you expand the Software Edition option, the default MDM software edition is displayed. The Basic view displays the Application Usage Profile property, and the Advanced view displays the Common Menus Configuration property.