Web Services Accepting Multiple Entities

A TIBCO MDM web service requests top-level business objects as Entities. MasterCatalogRecord and WorkItem are the examples of an entity. These examples represent in a web service as <MasterCatalogRecord etype="Entity"> or <Workitem etype="Entity"> in the <Command> element.

Most of the web services can work only on one unique business object or an entity. However, some web services can work on more than one such business object or an entity as a part of a single web service request.

The following table lists if a web service supports multiple business objects or entities.

Web Services Accepting Multiple Entities
Web Service Name Does it accept multiple entities?
Record Services
Record Query Service No
Record Query MetaData Service No
Record Query ValidValues (Init) Service No
Record Validate Service Yes
Record-Add Modify Services Yes (with two transactions in one request)
Delete Record Service Yes
Initiate Workflow Service Yes
Work Item Services
Work Item Query Parameters Service No
Work Item Query Service No
Work Item Modify Close Service Yes
Work Item Lock Service Yes
Work Item UnLock Service Yes
Work Item Get Service Yes
Work Item Reassign Service Yes (with two transactions in one request)
Get Custom Work Item Summary Service No
Get Predefined Work Item Summary Service No
Administration Services
Login Service No
Logout Service No
Get Entitlement Service No
Create Enterprise Service No
Get Enterprise List Service No
Create User Service No
Delete User Service No
Get User List Service No
Get Role List Service No
Data Services
Text Search Service No
Get Repository List Service No
Initiate Synchronization Service No
Get Data Source List Service No
Upload Metadata Service No
Extract Data Service No
Content Services
Content Service No
Event Management Services
Get Event Info Service No
Get Event Details Service No

An example of a web service accepting multiple entities is Work Item Reassign web service. A sample request is as below:

<!-- multiple entities in one transaction is not supported for Reassign. Specify one entity per transaction.  -->
    <!-- multiple transactions are supported  -->
          <Command type="Reassign">
             <Workitem etype="Entity">
                   <Key name="WORKITEMREFERENCE" type="string">45010</Key>
                   <Key name="USER" type="string">del</Key>
          <Command type="Reassign">
             <Workitem etype="Entity">
                   <Key name="WORKITEMREFERENCE" type="string">43010</Key>
         <!-- delegation is set so that workitems will be delegated to 2 users -->
                   <Key name="USER" type="string">sup</Key>