Email Subject Line Configuration

The subject line is coded into the template HTML being used. The line that is used for setting the subject has a 'subject' id.

For example:

<div id="subject"><span id="defaultSubject">Approval
Requested</span> for Product : <span
id="SubHeaderProductID">#filler#</span> - <span

The system fills in data from the source XML using the Xpath corresponding to the 'id' specified in the HTML. The system builds the subject line left to right until it hits the first 'id' resolving to a NULL, or the end of the 'div' tag. The 'div' tag is removed from the body of the Email template actually sent.

The following is the list of reserved IDs used by the system:

  • 'subject': This id is used by the system to identify the section to be used for building the subject line.
  • 'defaultSubject': This id represents the static portion of the subject line that always appears in the subject.
  • 'ManagedWorkItemMsg': This id is used to place the work item delegation or reassignment messages.
  • 'commentData': This id is used to place the work item comments within a given event.
    • The predefined XMLc IDs do not work on the input XML document.
    • Use of AssociatedProduct IDs, add data, and links works for all related records.
    • Avoid 'Coding repeating elements' when using AssociatedProduct IDs.