AddressCleansing Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for AddressCleansing is SYNCHR.

The parameters of AddressCleansing are as follows:
AddressCleansing Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multiplicity
Direction: In
eventState Determines the latest state of the workflow. string Predefined state: DONE. Custom states can be defined in the DOMAINENTRY table. 0..1
MasterCatalog See Common Parameters string
InRecordList See Common Parameters recordlist
Mode Sets the Geocoding mode to FORWARD. if you select FORWARD, the address points to the latitude and longitude mentioned on the map. string The valid and default value is FORWARD .
RejectInvalid If Geocoding or cleansing for any record fails, selecting this option decides whether to reject or accept an invalid initial input data. Failed records are added to rejectRecordList(OutRecordList2) and succeeded records are added to workRecordList(OutRecordList) and are passed on further in the workflow. boolean The valid values are true or false. The default value is true.
VersionPolicy (Optional) Indicates how the record versions are managed. The allowed VersionPolicy values are NEW, CORRECT, OPTIMIZE.
  • NEW: By using this option, you can create a new version of a record. This is the default value.
  • CORRECT: By using this option, you can update the existing record versions. New version is not created, only if the old record version state and new record version state match.
  • OPTIMIZE: By using this option, you can optimize the best choice between the CORRECT and NEW options. New version gets created based on the choice selected.
The following rules are used when VersionPolicy=OPTIMIZE:
  • A new record version is created when the old and new record state do not match.
  • A new record version is created when the old record state is REJECTED.
  • A new record version is created when the old record version is DELETED.
  • The existing record versions are corrected when both the old and new record state match.
  • For everything else, the existing record versions are corrected.
  • NEW (Default): creates a new version
  • CORRECT: updates an existing record version, no new version. If policy rule allows correction.
  • OPTIMIZE: this is a combination of both NEW and CORRECT. Based on the choice,a record can be corrected or a new version is created.
InDocument See Common Parameters document
Direction: Out
OutDocument See Common Parameters document
OutRecordList See Common Parameters recordlist
OutRecordList2 List of rejected records which failed during address validation. recordlist
RecordPerAsyncCall See Common Parameters
Note: Set this parameter based on the configuration of GeoAnalytics service. For information on the GeoAnalytics configuration properties, refer to the section, "Configuration Properties of TIBCO GeoAnalytics" in TIBCO MDM System Adminitstration Guide.
Note: With Maporama service, 200 records in one batch request are recommened for Geocoding.
AsynProcessIndicator See Common Parameters boolean