Evaluate the State of the Record

Use these keywords to evaluate the current state of the record:

  • HAS_ATTRIBUTE_SET_CHANGED: determines whether any of the attributes specified in the format have been modified.
  • HAS_LINKED_RELATION_CHANGED: determines whether any of the relationships defined for a record have been changed. If the product had no relationship earlier, but a new relationship has been defined, or vice versa, this returns TRUE. If any relationship has changed, this returns TRUE. If the related products remain the same, but the quantity of the products has changed, this returns FALSE.
  • HAS_LINKED_QUANTITY_CHANGED: determines whether or not any of the previously linked records quantity defined for the record have been changed. Returns TRUE if quantity is changed for linked record. If no change in quantity, it returns FALSE.
  • HAS_PUBLISHED_RELATION_CHANGED: determines whether or not any of the previously published records relation defined for the record have been changed. Returns TRUE if relation is changed for published record. If no change in relation, it returns FALSE.