Business Processes

A Business Process models the real world processes to perform various tasks. The Application’s Business Process provides customization points for defined workflow processes.

Workflow is defined by the IT personnel and deployed on the server. The Business Process user interface allows changes to the workflows for definition of routing rules and various process options. If customized rule domains and templates have been created for your installation, the Business Process screen appears slightly different.

Business Processes are organized in Rule domains. Each rule domain is a collection of rules for a specific purpose. These domains are referred to by workflows and evaluated at run time to access matching rules.

Each rule domain has one or more rule templates which define the available conditions and actions for any rule. Some rule domains are configured only to have one rule template. You can define rules using any rule template.

For example, for the SEND activity, you can assign a parameter to indicate how you want to send a document (for example, via HTTP) and where you want to send it (for example, to a URL or FTP address).

Note: When import is done using Filewatcher, the <source> attribute is available to be used in the Import Approval business process rule. However, for all workflows started from the user interface, this attribute is set to "Any".