Work Items Search

Using the Inbox UI screen, you can search work items based on the following two types of search criteria:

  • Basic Search
  • Advanced Search

Besides these options, use this screen to filter work items based on the following links and other options:

  • Items per page: You can set the number of work items displayed per screen.
    Note: The selected filters in the Search criteria and the selected number of work items in the Items per page drop-down list remain constant on the Inbox page even after you re-log in to the application.
  • Refresh Work Items: Allows you to refresh a list of work items.
  • Reassign: You can reassign work items to another user. Select the work items to be reassigned and click Reassign to reassign them to the selected users. Select the role and the user to whom the work item needs to be reassigned. These work items do not appear in the list of work items assigned to you.
  • Reassignment is allowed only if you have permissions to do so. Also, the users to whom you can reassign is determined by Role Delegation. See Role Delegation for more information.