Translating the Display Name of an Attribute

While defining repository metadata, you can specify an attribute display name. This display name is shown in the UI whenever attribute is displayed.


  1. Create a key based on attribute name (not based on display name) as follows:

    RAD__<catalogID> __<ATTRIBUTENAME>.

    RAD stands for "repository attribute display name".

    If any key contains blank (Work Supervisor), replace it with "__" (two underscores).

    If the key contains any of : (colon), / (slash), ? (question mark), . (full stop), - (dash), replace such characters with "_" (single underscore).

    The keys must be in upper case.

  2. Add the translation for the key in the file as follows:
    RAD__34961__EFFDATE=Effective date

    The display name is then picked up from the resource bundle, whenever applicable.

    Note: This only applies to UI. Web services, rulebase, and workflow continue to use attribute names as currently practiced. If no translation is provided, display name entered while defining the attribute is used.