Export Records Workflow

The Export Records feature uses the wfin26catsynchdbdumpv4.xml workflow. The workflow extracts all relationships and related records.

You can customize the workflow for exporting the selected records using the EvaluateSubset activity. For more details on the activity, refer to the TIBCO MDM Workflow Reference Guide.

Export Records Workflow Parameters
Parameter Name Description Example
RelationshipName Specify the relationship name in the workflow. You can specify multiple relationships using the RelationshipName parameter. <Parameter direction="in" name="RelationshipName" type="string" eval="constant">Rel6</Parameter>

If you do not want any relationships to be exported, specify a non-existing relationship. For example,

<Parameter direction="in" name="RelationshipName" type="string" eval="constant">NONE</Parameter>

Subset A subset can be selected by specifying the subset name in the FileWatcher configuration file or using UI. If you specify subset name as input parameter, it filters repository records.
  • If subset is specified, it is used.
  • If subset is not specified, all the records in the repository are selected.
RelationshipDepth Specify the relationship depth in the workflow. By default, the value for RelationshipDepth parameter is 10. If you specify lesser value than the repository hierarchy level, records are exported as per the levels specified in the RelationshipDepth parameter.
<Parameter direction="in" type="long" eval="constant" name="RelationshipDepth">2</Parameter>

In this case, only two levels hierarchy of records are exported.

FEDOption You can export Future Effective Date related records. You need to specify the FEDOption parameter in the workflow.

You can specify the following values:

  • O – exported data includes only future dated version records.
  • I – exported data includes future dated version records and non future dated version records.
  • N– exported data does not include future dated version records.

    If you have specified FED option for a subset, data that includes related records and relationship are exported.

<Parameter direction="in" name="FEDOption" type="string" eval="constant">O</Parameter>
BackwardCompatible If you specify BackwardCompatible=true parameter for the ExtractDataToDelimitedFile activity, the generated output is backward compatible with 8.0.