Modifying Data Type Operations


  1. Navigate to $MQ_HOME and extract EML.war from ECM.ear.
  2. Navigate to the $MQ_HOME\ECM.ear\EML.war\javascripts\datatype folder.
  3. Open the DataTypeClient.js file and modify the following custom methods:
    1. Custom operation with respect to data type and a particular screen ID: DataTypeClient.prototype.OPERATION_DATATYPE_SCREENID = function(){ // Own implementation
    2. Custom operation with respect to data type for all screens: DataTypeClient.prototype.OPERATION_DATATYPE = function(){ // Own implementation }
      • OPERATION = {formatForDisplay / validate}
      • DATATYPE = {4 / 11 / 100}
      • SCREENID = {850 / 900 / 950}
  4. Archive EML.war to add the new methods.
  5. Archive ECM.ear to add the updated EML.war.
  6. Redeploy the ECM.ear file and restart the application server.