WaitForResponse Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for WaitForResponse is SYNCHR.

The parameters of WaitForResponse are as follows:

WaitForResponse Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Optional) Relative or absolute time when this application task is no longer valid. If such a time occurs without the application task being closed, the workflow will be revived with a TIMEDOUT event which can be polled in the activity’s outgoing transitions. If the date is not specified, no expiry date is set. string See ExpiryType. 0..1
(Optional) The type of expiry date. If not specified, no expiry date is set. string RELATIVE or ABSOLUTE. In the first case, time is specified as ‘DD:hh:mm:ss’, and in the second as ‘MM:DD:hh:mm:ss’ where MM is month, DD is day, hh is hour, mm is minute, and ss is second. 0..1
(Optional) Unique conversationID set for the message. long   0..1
(Mandatory) See Common Parameters.      
(Optional) The MLXML document on which the InDocument was formed. document   0..1
(Optional) The name of an XMLC file used as the body of an email to send to a work item participant for notification. The XMLC page can have an anchor element called inboxUrl, which when specified, will have its href attribute set to the address of the Inbox as specified in the Configurator. If not specified, no email is sent. string A class files generated using XMLC. 0..1
(Optional) The type of mail to send. If LINK, a link to the inbox will be sent. If not specified, LINK is assumed. string LINK. 0..1
(Mandatory) A sequence of strings that are concatenated to derive the MessageID. A MessageID is a unique identification of the Message that was sent to Application.

Replace # with an integer, for example, MessageID1, MessageID2.

string It is an Xpath into the message generated by the Translate Step. 0..1
(Mandatory) Specifies the application that should participate in this work item. long Any MemberID or RoleID as appropriate. 1
Direction: Out
TaskCreated Tells you if a work item was created. boolean If TaskCreated is set, and the ParticipantID or MessageID parameter evaluates to null, TaskCreated is set to False.

If no TaskCreated is specified in the activity, it will throw an exception.

(Optional) See Common Parameters.