Simple Matching Process

The Simple matching process includes matching incoming records against the existing single repository. The matching process uses the MatchRecord activity.

The MatchRecord activity accesses the incoming data from:

  • the InDocument
  • the Event specific product logs

The MatchRecord activity uses a set of record attribute names and their respective weights to create a fuzzy text search query. For example,

A new record "John Doe".

Matching criteria of "Person.FirstName^0.85" and "Person.LastName".

MatchingThreshold value of "0.8"

In this case, the fuzzy query includes the specified set of attributes that are used to locate the respective attribute’s values from the incoming records. The query term is created as:

[{Person.FirstName close to "John" && Person.LastName close to "Doe" && && Person.FirstName has 85% weight in calculating the outcome as compared to the Person.LastName } && Overall_matching_score >= 0.8]

If the index includes any records matching to this query criteria, those records are returned by the Index search service.