Preload of Large Data Using Tranche

Tranche refers to the portion of your data that you want to preload. Tranche enables quick loading of the data from single repository by splitting the records of the repository in portions and initiating the load for each portion in parallel.

For example, if a single table includes 100 million records and if the preload is performed in a single thread, it could take long time to load the entire table. However, by enabling tranching say for example, 1 M tranche size, the data can be read in parallel, with each thread reading 1 million records.

You must calculate the total number of records to arrive at a correct tranche size. Tranche size of more than 1 M and less than 100K is not recommended. For example,

  • For repository with 100 M records: specify 1 M tranche size.
  • For repository with 1 M records: specify 100 K tranche size.

Tranching is not needed for repositories with less than 1 M records.

Note: If tranches are enabled, PRODUCTKEY should always be configured for preload. If the PRODUCTKEY is not configured, tranching is ignored.

For information on tranche enabling and size configuration properties, refer to Configuring Preload Properties and Preload Configuration Properties.