Text Search Fuzzy Query Service

For Text Search Fuzzy Query web service, in addition to the mandatory inputs, specify the tags in the request.

  • Repository location indicator: Specify the repository name and its attributes.
    • Specifying an attribute set (used for a Similarity Search only)
      <RepositoryName attributes="FirstName">Person</RepositoryName>
    • Specific repository set (used for both Exact and Similarity Search)
    • Similarity (fuzzy) Search
      <FuzzySearchExpression similarityScore="0.95">John</FuzzySearchExpression>

      You can search a specific repository. You can also limit the results based on an attribute set.

      • You cannot perform a Similarity (fuzzy) Search on all repositories; a specific repository must be specified.
      • Do not set ReturnCount when using FuzzySearchExpression. It can result in a SOAP fault.

      A similarity (fuzzy) score can be specified for a Similarity (fuzzy) search. This score is needed to return a matching record. The value must be between 0 and 1.0. The default is 0.8.

  • Standard paging elements such as <StartCount> and <TotalCount> in the <ReturnCount> element (optional). These paging elements help you achieve windowing/pagination of a large result set.

Text Search Fuzzy Query Service with and without Weight

For Text Search Attribute Fuzzy Query web service, you can specify weight as an attribute of the BaseExpression tag:

  • Specifying an attribute set along with weight
    <ns:BaseExpression attribute="NAME" weight="0.9">Michel</ns:BaseExpression>
    <ns:BaseExpression attribute="CITY" weight="1.0">New York</ns:BaseExpression>
  • Specifying an attribute set along without weight
    <ns:BaseExpression attribute="NAME" >Michel</ns:BaseExpression>
    <ns:BaseExpression attribute="CITY">New York</ns:BaseExpression>