GDSN Specific Rulebases

The rulebases specific to GDSN are located in the $MQ_HOME/datapool/common/standard/rulebase folder.

GDSN Specific Rulebases
File Description
This rulebase declares validation rules for out-of-the-box catalog synchronization for 1Sync datapool.
This rulebase declares validation rules for master catalog used in synchronization having 1SYNC catalog output map.
This rulebase declares validation rules for out-of-the-box catalog synchronization for WWRE (Agentrics) datapool.
This rulebase declares validation rules for master catalog having WWRE (Agentrics) catalog output map.
This is an empty rulebase which is used in the workflow wfin26prodnotifretailerv4.xml to flag any errors or warnings in the incoming message data. This rulebase should be customized as per your business process needs.
This rulebase decides the protocol to be used by messaging handler for outgoing messages or the response handler for incoming messages.
This rulebase decides the protocol to be used by messaging handler for outgoing messages or the response handler for incoming messages.
This rulebase provides a sample duplicate check constraint for incoming messages. The sample rulebase is used to implement duplicate check for GDSN incoming messages.
This is an empty rulebase which is used in workflow wfin26prodnotifretailerv4.xml and other incoming message processing workflows to flag any errors or warnings in the incoming message data. This rulebase should be customized as per your business process needs.
Format specific attributes to be used for a marketplace.
This rulebase is used to identify the relationship to be used in the GDSN edition.
This rulebase drives the classification codes for the GPC predefined classification scheme.
This rulebase is used to identify the protocol used for message processing.
This is a sample retailer validation rulebase.
The generic screen is available from the Product View screen, where there is an actions link for SendMessage based on the user privileges (Role). The UI that opens on clicking this link is completely customizable based on the underlined rulebase rbsendMessage.xml. Currently, it is used to send an RFCIN message and generate fact sheet.

Following customizations are possible:

  • Customize the product attributes that can be displayed.
  • Customize action that can be performed.
  • Customize the MarketPlace and TradingPartner Credentials.
  • Customize the user defined attributes
This sample rulebase is used to customize manual synchronization status update action.
Permissible values for attributes are defined in this rulebase.
This rulebase identifies different sync operations for the 1SYNC datapool.
This rulebase derives the classification codes for the UDEX predefined classification scheme.
This rulebase derives out-of-box work-item descriptions for the GDSN edition.
This rulebase identifies different sync operations for the Agentrics (WWRE) datapool on the retailer side.
This rulebase identifies different sync operations for the Agentrics (WWRE) datapool on the supplier side.