Configuring Scheduler

To schedule the duplicate detection process in a timely manner, use Configurator as well as the CronSchedules.xml file.

For using Configurator, refer to the section "Scheduling Jobs Using Configurator" in TIBCO MDM System Administration. For using the CronSchedules.xml file, perform the subsequent steps.


  1. Navigate to the $MQ_HOME/config folder.
  2. Open the CronSchedules.xml file.
  3. Specify the following properties in the CronSchedules.xml file under the Schedule tag:
    Property Name Description
    Name Specify the name of the scheduler. For example, Scheduler Duplicate Detection for XYZ Enterprise.
    Jobs Specify the jobs that have to be initiated and invoked. You can include more than one job tag.
    Job Specify the job that informs the time and job (task) to be initiated.
    • Name: Specify the job name. For example, FED Job.
    • TriggerExpression: Specify the cron trigger expression based on which the job is invoked. For example, 0 0/5 * * * ?, which refers to Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-Week Year.

      The trigger expression can contain more than one expression. For more information, refer to the Scheduler Configuration chapter in the TIBCO MDM System Administrator’s guide.

    • JobDetailsClass: Specify the job class that implements the task. For example,

      For Future Effective Date scheduler job: com.tibco.mdm.infrastructure.scheduler.FEDScheduler

      For Scheduler Duplicate Detection job: com.tibco.dq.scheduler.DuplicateDetectionJob or implement com.tibco.mdm.infrastructure.scheduler.CimSchedeulerjob.

      The JobDetailsClass must implement com.tibco.mdm.infrastructure.scheduler.CimSchedeulerjob interface. When a trigger is executed in the Java class, the execute() method is called. You can extend a job by specifying the com.tibco.mdm.infrastructure.scheduler.CimSchedulerJob class and implement the executeJob methods by passing the context object. The Scheduler framework provides the context object to the implemented job. The context object contains the job name, trigger name, its description, and so on. The signature of the executJob method is public void executeJob(JobExecutionContextjobExecutionContext) throws MqException{…}

    ExecuteonStartup If you specify true value, the scheduler runs the job at the start of the application. By default, the value is false.
    Job Inputs
    • EnterpriseName: Specify the enterprise name on which the duplicate detection process must invoke.
    • UserName: Specify the user name. The User name is case sensitive.
    • JobPolicy: Specify the XML file name that is parsed for repository attributes. For example, the MatchRecordRule.xml file.
    • ParserClass: Specify the class that parses through the XML file and sends the values in a form of match. For example, com.tibco.dq.scheduler.MatchRecordRuleParser. If you have a different MatchRecordRule format, the parser class can be customized according to the XML file.

      The job inputs are retrieved from the JobDataMap object in the job class withthe key as IRuleParser.GET_PARAMETER. A custom policy parser must be defined to implement the IRuleParser interface.

      Note: The job input tag is optional for other schedulers.
    You can customize other schedule jobs. These can be defined for any periodic executable task. For example, the Future Effective Date job or an email job to send out a summary of pending work items every Friday evening. For more information, refer to the samples located in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard/samples/Scheduler sample folder.