DataSet Parameters

Each configuration is called a DataSet. One DataSet is set up for each type of processing.

Types of DataSets

You can specify two types of DataSets.

  • Single — One file that acts as both the data and trigger files. For example,
       <DataSet type="single">
         <Credential domain="ZZ">
         <URIInfo scheme="local">
  • Multiple — A multiple data set is a trigger file written to the incoming directory, consisting of a list of file names, and the absolute paths to their locations. Each file name is matched to a datasource in the DataSet and is uploaded from the specified (absolute path) location. The order of the filenames in the trigger file must match with the order of the data sources in the DataSet. Multiple DataSets are not supported for all actions. For the Multiple DataSet type, specify the list value. For example,
       <DataSet type="list">
    	    <Credential domain="MartQuestNet">
       <URIInfo scheme="local">

Name of DataSet

Each DataSet has a name for informational purposes. This name has to be unique.

<DataSet type="single">


The DataSet parameters include the following information and define a complete configuration:

If the default directories are used, do not specify the following parameters in the DataSet configuration:

  • Incoming
  • Done
  • Rejected

Files are copied from the incoming directory to the done directory. Duplicates and failures are placed in the rejected directory. These default values can be overwritten by each DataSet.

Note: Enterprise name should be specified when a DataSet is defined with the martQuestNet DomainType.