
Select the list of attributes and the list of relationships.

  • Selecting the list of attributes — The list of attribute returned in the response can be filtered based on output map define in the repository. When the output map is specified in the request, only those attributes from the repository that map to the output map are returned in the response.
          	<!-- CatalogOutputMap specifies which attributes to 
               output -->
          		<Entity type="OutputMap">
                				<Key name="name">ProductCatalogCase</Key>

    This <Return> section tells the system to output those attributes specified in the Catalog Output Map called ProductCatalogCase.

  • Selecting the list of Relationships — As part of the <Return> section, you can also specify a list of related records you are interested in. This is done by specifying the list of relationship types.

    Note: The full hierarchy for the selected relationship types is returned. For example:
