Performance Tuning Tips

  • If you have very large workflows, split them into smaller sub-flows.
  • Reduce the workflow pool size (by setting the value for com.tibco.cim.init.WmQueueReceiverManager.poolSize in the Configurator) to 1 if you have less memory. However, the recommended maximum pool size is 4 to 6.
  • Review validation rules. A review of all validation rules to simplify the logic will improve the performance. With increased robustness of rulebase syntax, you may be able to reduce the time to view, validate and save records and optimize performance.
  • Modify enumerated data lists. It is recommended that the enumerated data lists (for valid value lists) be changed to use data sources. TIBCO MDM caches data sources, and this helps to improve display time for the record view and edit screen. It is recommended to not to have the drop down list longer than 100 choices.
  • Reduce the revivify frequency. The revivify interval is used to time-out work items, and restart the workflows for time out. When set to a high frequency, it slows down all aspects of TIBCO MDM. The revivify frequency should be reduced, as follows:
    • Set to an interval of 20 hours (a value of 72,000,000).
  • When using Oracle, caching a few tables in Oracle memory is recommended.
  • Optimization and faster loading of the Relationship tab. The default value for the Rulebase execution on related records (com.tibco.ui.rulebase.processrelated.flag) property is set to false. This means rendering of the relationship tab will be delayed and only done when the user visits the Relationship tab.