Get Entitlement Service - Outputs

The response message provides information about all roles assigned, all accessible functions, and access permissions for all resources.

  • All roles assigned — For example, the following information is returned for each role.
       <ns:Role id="34018">
         <ns:Description lang="en">Default Admin Role</ns:Description>
  • All accessible functions — For example, the following information is returned for each function.
          <ns:Function id="61">
              <ns:Description lang="en">Roles menu</ns:Description>
  • Access permissions for all resources — For example, the following information is returned for permissions. Note that the service calculates cumulative user permission for a resource. For example, user "A" is assigned user level permission to allow browse for resource repository "MC1". User "A" is also assigned two roles, "Catalog Manager" and "Catalog Edition" and both roles are denied permission for resource "MC1". Only the permissions at the user level are populated in the response file. Also, note that, if "Full control" permission is assigned to a given resource, the rest of the permissions are not populated in the response.
    <ns:Resource id="34190" resourceType="Repository">
             <ns:Access id="A">
               <ns:Description lang="en">Full Control</ns:Description>