Job Scheduling in Cluster Environment

In a clustered environment, a job can be configured on the primary as well as the backup server.

  • Primary Server: when a job is configured on a primary server, the job is executed only on the primary server. If the primary server goes down, the backup server never executes the job.
  • Backup Server: when a job is configured on the primary and backup servers, the job is initiated on both of the servers; however only one job is executed. If any one of the servers goes down, the other server picks up the job.
    Note: If you want to run the job on the backup server, ensure that you have specified the backup server details in the Node URL property. Navigate to Edit > Run on the Edit Job screen. Enter the super user credentials on the Run Job dialog box, and click Yes to run the job. The job which was defined on the primary server is executed on the backup server. For more information, refer to Running a Job.