Starting Apache Ignite As External Cache Server

You can start Apache Ignite as an external cache server in case of client-server configuration or centralized cache server topology.


Ensure that the ECMClasses.jar file located in $MQ_HOME/lib/mq is in the class path while starting external Apache Ignite cache server. By default,ignite.bat or handles this scenario by referring $MQ_HOME environment variable. However, if $MQ_HOME is not set, then copy ECMClasses.jar from the TIBCO MDM installation directory to the $MQ_HOME/bin/ignite/libs directory.


  1. Clone the IgniteMember.xml configuration file. For example, IgniteMember2.xml
  2. Navigate to $MQ_HOME/bin/ignite/bin and run either of the following command in the command prompt:
    ignite.bat %MQ_HOME%\config\IgniteMember2.xml
    Or $MQ_HOME/config/IgniteMember2.xml
  3. Start TIBCO MDM with Apache Ignite as a client or server by changing the clientMode value to true or false respectively.