Communication Configuration

The message and event exchange between TIBCO MDM and the external application (for example, an EAI product) happens over JMS queues.

Communication Configuration

The following queues are used for communication with external applications:

Queue used for sending outbound messages from TIBCO MDM to an external system.
Queue used for receiving inbound messages by TIBCO MDM from an external system.
Queue used for receiving Error or Status events by TIBCO MDM from an external system.

TIBCO MDM needs JMS for internal processing. When the application is installed, the installation program creates the necessary queues, queue managers, and so on. The installation program also creates all of the earlier mentioned queues when the application is installed.

The message payload encapsulated in the JMS messages sent over these queues is described in detail in the sections mentioned earlier. Each JMS message is of type javax.jms.BytesMessage. This type of JMS message is widely used for integration with EAI products and messaging products.