GetAssocEventsSummary Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for GetAssocEventsSummary is SYNCHR.

The parameters of GetAssocEventsSummary are as follows:

GetAssocEventsSummary Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multiplicity
Direction: In
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
(Optional) Get the summary of events string Parent and Children.

Default is Parent.

LockOption Whether a distributed lock be obtained before computing summary. Boolean True and False

Default is False.

Direction: Out
TotalEventsProcessed How many events have been processed so far. Long Count 1
EventsToBeSpawned How many events are to be spawened or actually spawned. Note that it is possible that all the events may not have been spawned yet. Long Count 1
EventsInError How many events have been in error state. Long Count 1
EventsSuccessful How many events have been successful. Long Count 1
EventsInProgress How many events have been in progress state. Long Count 1
EventsCancelled How many events have been cancelled. Long Count 1
EventsYetToStart How many events are yet to start. Long Count 1
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
EventID The ID of the event for which summary was computed.

If the activity is called from a children event with SummaryOption = Children, this is the ID of the parent event.

Long Valid event id 1