Workflow Activities

Workflow activities are atomic work units which can be connected together to define a business process.

Workflow activities share a common set of tags that define their execution mode and interaction with the rest of the workflow system.

An activity is defined by a Name which is any string of size 80 or less characters. This name (English only) should convey the purpose of the activity and will appear in the Event Log.

A workflow cannot have duplicate actions.

<Activity Name="InternalEditMoveToFirst">
   <Description lang="en">Set workflow to next step.</Description>
   <Parameter direction="in" name="InDocument" type="document"     eval="variable">inDoc</Parameter>
   <Parameter direction="out" name="ConversationState"    eval="variable" type="string">InternalEditNextState</Parameter>
Workflow Activity Semantics
Tag Semantics Signature Valid Values

(Only one activity can have a start tag)

Specifies the first activity to execute.
No values.
Action The type of activity to execute.
See list of activities. The name specified here must be one of the pre-defined activities.
(Optional) A textual description of the activity. The description must contain 80 or less characters, else an error occurs.

It is recommended that a description be provided. The description shows up in the Event Details and can be in any language.

Any arbitrary string.
Execution The execution mode.

SYNCHR - the process engine will wait for the activity to complete before proceeding.

ASYNCHR - the process engine will not wait for the activity to complete. Failure of the activity may be ignored by the process engine.

SYNCHR is supported for all activity types. Check details of each activity to verify if it supports ASYNCHR.
Note: "#PCDATA" is a token used in an element declaration to declare the element as having mixed content (character data, or character data mixed with other elements). The content of the element is parsed; '&' and '<' have a special meaning and must be escaped if they are not the start of markup.