Send Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for the Send activity is SYNCHR or ASYNCHR.

The parameters of Send are as follows:

Send Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
(Mandatory) The protocol by which to send the message. string SMTP



(Optional) The address to send the message to. It can be either for a catalog or a file. For Catalog FTP on demand side two delivery targets are possible:

None: The catalog is ftp-ed to ftp address provided in the company profile.

string Email or FTP address 1..n
(Optional) The numeric ID of the user who is to receive email. long Any ID that maps to a user’s database ID.

Only valid for Protocol = SMTP.

(Optional) The email address of the sender for protocol=SMTP. Unused for HTTP. string   0..1
(Optional) The subject of the email message for protocol=SMTP. Unused for HTTP. string   0..1
(Optional) The class name of an XMLC compiled HTML page to use as the email body when protocol=SMTP. Unused for HTTP. string Any fully qualified XMLC class name. 0..1
(Optional) Flag indicating that InDocument is attached to the email message.

InAttachments are always attached, regardless of value of this flag.

boolean True (Default)


(Optional) See Common Parameters.

When protocol = SMTP and this parameter is specified, the corresponding document will be attached to the email. The parameter is ignored when protocol=HTTP.

document   0..1
(Optional) Attachments to show for this work item. document or string The list of attachments to include in the work item. 0..n
(Optional) See Common Parameters.

If the priority is not specified, event priority is inherited by the new message.


In addition to the mentioned parameters, when the protocol is SMTP you can specify any number of string parameters. The send activity will look for a tag inside the presentation page with an ID corresponding to the name of each of these parameters and set the value of that tag to the value of the parameter.

The following example sends an import completion notification email to users, evaluated using the ‘Message or Workflow Completion’ rule. The presentation document com.tibco.mdm.ui.workflow.engine.emailtemplates.EmailSourceMessage expects input for the element ID named OperationStatus. You need to specify this element value as a parameter to the send activity.

If you supply an anchor tag called “inboxUrl” in the presentation document, the send activity will additionally replace the href attribute of the link with the address of the Inbox, as specified in the Configurator. This behavior is similar to what happens when a work item notification is created in the CreateWorkItem activity.