
A new log configuration category, the Default Ignite Log is added in Configurator. A separate rolling log file, ignite.log has been configured with the default logging level to INFO.

By default, the following information is displayed at the INFO level:
  • Ignite initialization log: shows the version of Apache Ignite, all different cache initialization, and cluster and topology change with the nodes add and remove. To know the topology, refer to the following line, which is displayed in the log at the TIBCO MDM startup:
    Topology snapshot [ver=1, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=8, heap=2.0GB]
  • Periodic node metric with metricsLogFrequency: monitor node load with CPU and memory utilization metrics
  • Periodic topology metric with TcpDiscoverySpi andstatisticsPrintFrequency: monitor any change in topology