Externalize Text Displayed by Workflows

The workflow descriptions and activity descriptions can be externalized.

Workflow descriptions are defined in workflow definition files (XML). The workflow description is shown in the Event Log > Event Log Details > Description > against the steps which show the process ID.

The translation scheme is as follows:

  • Translation keys: Translation keys are defined as follows.
    • For workflow description: <workflowName>_DESC
    • For workflow activity descriptions: <workflowName>_<activityName>.
  • If any key contains blank ("Work Supervisor"), replace it with "__" (two underscores).
  • If the key contains any of : (colon), / (slash), ? (question mark), . (full stop), - (dash), replace such characters with "_" (single underscore).
  • This key must have all upper case.

Add the translation to the SharedStringResources.properties file. If no translation is found, the text provided in XML file is displayed.


Workflow is:

<Workflow Version="1.3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"  xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Workflow.xsd">
<Description lang="en">Process for extraction/Import of metadata</Description>

Activity is:

<Activity Name="SetStatusToSuccess">
<Description lang="en">Set the event status to Success/Done</Description>
<Parameter direction="in" name="eventStatus" type="string" eval="constant">SUCCESS</Parameter>
<Parameter direction="in" type="string" eval="constant" name="eventState">DONE</Parameter>


Add the translation to the SharedStringResources.properties file as follows:

WFIN26DATASERVICEV2_SETSTATUSTOSUCCESS=Set the event status to Success/Done
WFIN26DATASERVICEV2_DESC=Process for extraction/Import of metadata
If no translation is found, the text provided in XML file is displayed.