CheckRecordInWorkflow (CheckRecordState)

Use the CheckRecordInWorkflow activity to determine if records are in workflow or if records exist.

  • If the CheckRecordState parameter is set to CheckInWorkflow, the activity determines if the records passed in are in workflow.
  • If the CheckRecordState parameter is set to CheckExists, the activity determines if records passed in exist in the corresponding repository.

The activity accepts records to test using the following two ways:

  • Record list — If a record list is passed in, a record list is output.
  • MLXML document — If a document is passed in, a document is output.
    Note: For the CheckRecordInWorkflow activity, the InDocument or InRecordList parameter must be specified. For workflows created before 7.0, you need to add or uncomment (if already present in the definition) the InDocument parameter. For example,

    In the workflow, replace:

    <!--<Parameter direction="in" name="InDocument" type="document" eval="variable">inDoc</Parameter>-->


    <Parameter direction="in" name="InDocument" type="document" eval="variable">inDoc</Parameter>