Record Delete Service

This web service allows you to delete the following records:

  • A repository record
  • Records related to specified record
  • Both the repository record and related records. That is, delete the parent record and the records for the given relationship.
  • A future dated record version

When a record is deleted, a workflow is initiated unless specified otherwise in command qualifier. Using the right command qualifier, you can skip the workflow processing and complete the delete record operation

If the workflow is initiated its DOCSUBTYPE is set as CatEditDelete.

The eligibility criteria for deletion is:

  • You must have access permission to delete the record on the specified repository.
  • The record must not be a part of another workflow. If the record is a part of another workflow, the record is not deleted.
  • When deleting record and related records, all the records must be available for deletion. If deletion is not allowed on one of the records then the whole transaction is disallowed and no deletion will be carried for the remaining records even if deletion is allowed. Deletion will be successful only if all the records are available for deletion. The record is not available for deletion when the record is being processed in other workflows or the user does not have the permission for deletion.

Deleting Record

When a record is deleted, the latest version of the record must be

  • Active
  • The record is not in another workflow

The delete is performed by creating a new version with Active = N.

Future Effective Date (FED)

The web service can delete a specific future effective dated version if

  • version number is specified
  • the specified version is future dated and active
  • the version is not in another workflow
  • delete the previous FED versions by specifying DELETE_PREVIOUS_FED_VERSION in the context. Alternatively, you can retain the previous FED record version or overwrite it. Later, delete it when the EffectiveDate is changed for a record.

The delete is performed by marking the future dated version as REJECTED.

For example:

<Command type="Delete">
            <MasterCatalogRecord etype="Entity" commandqualifier="Record">
<Key name="PRODUCTID"type="string">EffectiveDate</Key>
<Key name="PRODUCTIDEXT"type="string">EffectiveDate</Key>
<Key name="RECORD_VERSION"type="int">2</Key>
     <!--default RECORD_STATE is if not specified is UNCONFIRMED-->
  <Attribute name="EFFECTIVEDATE"type="date">2011-06-29 00:00:00.000</Attribute>
Note: If you have set the Record Delete Approval business process rule, and if you delete a record that is effective in future, the workflow approval process is skipped and a work item is not generated.