Accessing Data Sources

Data sources are visible to the company which creates them. If you want to share a data source across enterprises, define the data source within a TIBCOCIM enterprise. Such data sources, though not visible in the data source list of other enterprises, can be used in the rulebase.

For more information, refer to TIBCO MDM Studio Rulebase Designer User's Guide.

Note: To create and modify data sources, use TIBCO MDM Studio. For information, refer to TIBCO MDM Studio Repository Designer User's Guide.


  1. Log in to TIBCO MDM.
  2. Select Master Data > Data Sources. The Data Sources screen is displayed.

    If you have deployed data sources in TIBCO MDM, the data sources are displayed on the Data Sources screen.

  3. Select one of the following options from the Filter By Usage drop-down list to filter the data sources:
    • All: All data sources are displayed.
    • Referenced: The data source is used in an input map or subset rule. Currently, usage in rulebase is not considered.
    • Unreferenced: The data source is created but is not being referenced by any repository.