Cancelling Events

You can cancel any event which is not yet completed, that is, its status is In Progress. However, you cannot stop or abort the Cancel event after initiated.

You can cancel an event even if there is no workflow associated with it, but for the following exceptions:

  • An event that is created when a record is saved as unconfirmed, not yet sent to the workflow for processing should not be cancelled. It is not advised to do so, but it is not prohibited. If you cancel such an event, it is marked as cancelled. However, the corresponding records are not be rejected. It is better to first confirm the record, and then rollback the event.
  • Events which are currently executing may not be cancelled even if the cancellation is issued.
    Note: When an event is cancelled, the current activity in the workflow is completed and rest of the activities are cancelled. Consider, the workflow which is currently evaluating a rulebase. If you cancel the Import Records Event at this stage, the Evaluate Rulebase activity is completed, but the following activities of the workflow are cancelled, such as, Work item import approval or Spawn individual workflow for record bundle.


  1. Select the Event ID from the Event ID column, and click . A warning message is displayed.
  2. Click OK to cancel the selected event.


The Cancel action initiates a subflow to cancel the event. The subflow rejects record versions created by the event which are not yet confirmed, closes all open work items, and then updates the status of an event to Cancelled.